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Hair Care

Ayurveda treatment for hair-fall includes diet, meditation, yoga and local oil application with regular massage. This means Ayurveda recommends some lifestyle changes in order to reduce hair fall. If you notice that your hair falls every time you comb your hair or simply run your hand through it. There is nothing to worry about. Shedding about 100 hairs on a daily basis is a common occurrence. Hair fall is a common phenomenon in all individuals. However, when the ratio of hair-fall to new follicle development is varied this can be considered as a serious hair condition. Hair loss is a common problem faced by many. Baldness in men is at least accepted in the society, but it is not the same for women. Just like any other part of our body, hair is also considered to be part of our body. So taking care of you hair is important too.

How Does Hair Grow Naturally?

It is important to understand the developmental phases of hair to recognize the real cause behind your hair fall. A healthy hair cycle consists of three distinct and concurrent stages as given below.

1) Anagen Phase: This is the growth phase where hair grows about half an inch a month. This phase lasts for about 3 to 5 years.
2) Catagen Phase: This is a short transitional phase that lasts approximately 10 days.
3) Telogen Phase: This is the resting phase where the hair is released and falls out. Once the hair falls out, the follicle containing this hair stays inactive for about three months and then the whole process starts all over again. A new hair shaft is developed and it proceeds through the same stages.

As each hair follicle is independent it goes through the developmental phases at different times. Or else all your hair will grow at once and fall at once. But, it does not happen this way. So, on an average you may shed about 80 to 100 hair in a day and probably the same number of hair starts developing on the same day through other follicles.

What Are The Causes For Hair Fall?

Hair loss occurs when the natural cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. Most people normally shed 80 to 100 hair a day. This usually doesn’t cause noticeable thinning of scalp hair because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair-fall can be genetic or induced
Causes of hair-fall:
1) Medications
2) Illnesses
3) Chemicals
4) Infections

Moreover people with physical or emotional shock are also prone to heavy hair-fall. Nowadays increasing workloads have resulted in stress and anxiety, which are some of the common causes of hair loss. Some of the causes can be linked to hormones. In men, the sexual hormone testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is responsible for hair loss or pattern baldness. The same hormone in women called androgen when in excess causes hair loss. This hormonal imbalance in women appears during and after pregnancy and around menopause. Proper nutrition with distressing plays a vital role in reversing the hair loss. Identification and treatment of the underlying cause improves the hair cycle.

What Are The Reasons Of Hair Fall As Per Ayurveda?

Hair-fall as per Ayurveda is considered to be caused due to vitiated Pitta Dosha and hence identification and elimination of pitta aggravating factors helps to limit the hair loss. Ayurveda believes that hair fall control is very much associated to the body type and also the stability of your mind-body structure. Ayurveda considers the hair as a by-product for bone formation. The tissues which are responsible for formation of bones are also responsible for the hair growth. Hair fall is considered to be a problem of Pitta Dosha in Ayurveda and excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the chief cause of Hair problems.

How Does Ayurveda Help To Control Hair Fall?

Determination of the body type (Prakriti) and psychological analysis of the individuals forms the basis of treatment to reduce hair fall. Ayurveda treatment for hair fall includes diet, meditation, yoga and local oil application with regular massage. Massages with regular medicated oils helps improve blood circulation to the scalp thereby repairing and improving the condition of the scalp & promote sound sleep.

Which Ayurvedic Treatments Are Recommended For Hair Growth Treatment?

Ayurveda offers some effective external therapies as well as some oral herbal medication for controlling hair fall and promoting hair growth. Ayurvedic herbs like Bhringaraj, Amla are known to promote hair growth and can be used for oral consumption in combination with local massages to get the optimum results. The Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall include external therapies like Thalapothichil or covering of head with medicated pastes, Shiroabhyanga or head massage, Shirodhara and Shiro abhyanga.

Shiro Abhyangam:

It includes a special massage to the scalp and head to stimulate the hair growth. It also improves the texture of hair.


Thalapothichil is a gentle head massage with amla, curd and triphala paste application.

Takradhara (includes Abhyangam):

It includes a continuous flow of medicated buttermilk on the forehead. It helps to relax the mind and reduce mental stress. Takradhara also prevents greying and thinning of the hair.

Kashayadhara (includes Shiroabhyangam):

Creates mental calmness. It is indicated in treatment of skin disease such as Psoriasis, Eczema, some scalp lesions and also prevention of hairfall.
Nasyam: Along with the therapies mentioned above Nasyam in a regular basis also promotes hair growth if practised for a long time

More and More people are turning towards Ayurveda for their hair loss problem. Hair loss can be embarrassing and hamper one’s self-esteem and confidence. When treated early hair loss can be reduced and even stopped completely.

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